Down the TBR Hole #8

Hey, everybody! Welcome to another Down the TBR Hole post. If you don’t know what Down the TBR Hole is, you basically just go down your TBR list on Goodreads in whatever order you want (preferably in date added order) and decide whether or not you want to keep the book on your TBR or get rid of it. So let’s get started.

1. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger


There’s a reason why I haven’t read this one yet and that’s because it’s a classic. I won’t have to read it for school (at least not high school) so I have no motivation to read it. I actually really like the sound of this book because it sounds like growing up. I’m not sure what the title means but that’s kind of the cool things about classics. I really hope that I can find the meaning and goodness in it. So yeah I’m going to keep it solely because it’s a classic.





2. Stop in the Name of Pants! by Louise Rennison


Automatically I have to keep this one. My entire plan was to buy and collect the entire ten series and finally reread and finish the series. I loved this series as a child! I even loved the movie to the first book so much that I watched it about twice a week. So naturally, I need to finish the entire series.







3. Namoi and Ely’s No Kiss List by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan


This one has been on my TBR list for a while and besides the title, I don’t think I ever knew what this book was about. The synopsis tells me this: Naomi and Ely are best friends and while Naomi is in love with Ely, Ely loves boys. They make a no kiss list of people so that they won’t break up their amazing friendship until Ely kisses Naomi’s boyfriend. Ultimately this book is about the treacherousness of true friendships and the trials one has to go through. I’m keeping this book because I feel like its going to be sad and exciting all at the same time.



4. Animal Farm by George Orwell


I had the chance to read this book freshman year and I stupidly chose to read Fareinheit 451 over it. So its an easy keep because I want to know what I missed and if I would’ve liked this one more. And I mean, like number one, it’s a classic! I don’t think anyone should turn down a classic. And maybe it’ll help me learn history some more, even if I don’t get the innuendos.






5. V for Vendetta by Alan Moore and David Lloyd


Another book I know zero about but the cover is scaring me a lot. I already know I have to get rid of this book though because I didn’t realize it was a comic book! I’ve never read a comic book before and I don’t think this is the one to start with. Especially not since I couldn’t barely keep my eyes straight while reading the synopsis. I did not understand a word of it.






That’s all for today, folks! Hope you all enjoyed this post. They’re actually interesting for me as I’m a person who likes to go into books blind and this sort of forces me to find out about them. Do you like to go into books blind too?


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