Down the TBR Hole #6

Hey, everybody! If you don’t know, twice a month I go through and attempt to clean out my Goodreads To Be Read shelf. How do I do this? I choose five books each post and decide whether or not I’m going to be keeping the book on my shelf, or getting rid of it by reading the synopsis and deciding if I’m ever actually going to read it. So let’s get decluttering.

#1. I am the Messenger by Markus Zusack

19057I think I knew about this book before I knew about The Book Thief. But since I have read TBT and loved it, I think I’m going to automatically keep this one. His writing is impeccable and I’m sure any story he tells will be an amazing one. But I’m not going to lie, I love a good mystery and this sounds like an amazing one. Like, just a regular ole guy getting caught up in a robbery? Sounds amazing.





#2. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

9361589I already know I’m going to be keeping this one. My friend has a copy that I have yet to borrow from her but I have super easy access to. I would also love to compare this novel to Caraval by Stephanie Garber because many people say they’re alike because they both involve a circus. I’ve also never read a book that involves a circus in it (at least I don’t think so). So I feel like it will expand my bookish world.





#3. The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth

11595276This is yet another book that I learned about on the bookish Tumblr heyteenbookshey so many years ago. This is another book they constantly raved about so even without knowing anything about it I added it because the title sounded like the story behind it would be good. But I immediately see that its an LGBTQ+ novel that raises it in my eyes. This story sounds like a struggle though that I want to read. So yes, I am keeping this novel on my TBR shelf.





#4. Split by Swati Avasthi

6270483Right off the bat, I believe this is a story about split personalities like the movie Split and if so, I want to read it. Now let’s read the synopsis. Okay, JK, nevermind! I am wrong. The split in the title is basically the split between an old life and a new one. Besides the fact that it lets on no idea what the main character’s secret could be, I don’t find any interest in reading this book. But the cover is super cool cause there are two faces in it! But no I am not keeping this book on my TBR.





#5. House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

24800Another heyteenbookshey book! First, I want to point out that this is a horror novel and I’ve only read one of those that was a middle grade read I read in elementary school. There’s a Mary Poppins’s bag sort of house going on which sounds super cool. I’m actually terrified of this book. The owners of HTBH said it left you literally scared at night time and constantly looking over your shoulder. So I’m going to keep it because I’ve never heard of a book that scary even though it may be a very long time before I actually bring myself to read it.


That’s all for today, folks! I hope you enjoyed this because, for this sixth post, I actually got rid of a book. I honestly don’t think I have before, haha. What’re some books high on your TBR?


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