Down the TBR Hole #5

Hey, everybody! Welcome back to another Down the TBR Hole post. If you don’t know what this blog series is here are the rules: You go to your Goodreads TBR shelf, choose 5+ books, read the synopsis, and decide whether or not you’re going to keep it on your TBR or get rid of it. I haven’t done one of these in a while since I haven’t been posting so let’s just jump straight in so I can get my flow back.

#21 Second Helpings (Jessica Darling, #2) by Megan McCafferty

9637944This one is easy to say keep to because I’ve already read the first book and I have this one on my shelf cause I bought it at Goodwill a couple of weeks ago. And I’m actually going to skip the next three books on my want-to-read shelf since they are the next three books in this series that I’ll obviously want to keep.







#22 The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks

17407748This one is slightly iffy for me, let me explain why. I DNF’d this book about… well it’s been a couple of years maybe. The big deal with that is that I never DNF books, but I just couldn’t get through the first chapter. But I still have it on my bookshelf since I haven’t unhauled it and I told myself I’d give it one more chance. So for right now, I’m keeping it so it can hopefully redeem itself.







#23 Across the Universe (Across the Universe, #1) by Beth Revis

8235178For a long time, I thought I had already read this book because I was getting it confused with a different novel that I had previously borrowed from the library. After reading the synopsis though, it sounds a lot like Passengers. Like, literally the exact same except Chris Pratt doesn’t try to kill Jennifer Lawerence, he just wants a friend. Regardless I love that movie so if this is anything like it but with a little more drama, I’m down for it. So I’m keeping this novel.






#24 Fat Kid Rules the World by KL Going

50925I heard about this book a couple of years ago when I followed a bookish Tumblr account called HeyTeenBooksHey (check them out, I don’t know if they’re still posting though). One of the owners of the account raved about this book and this author; she absolutely loved it. From the synopsis, I can see why. There is weight diversity in this novel and it seems as if there is a big family aspect in this too and I love a good family (dysfunctional or not). So I think I’m keeping this novel.





#25 Ask the Passengers by A.S. King

13069935This one is pretty easy because I have it on my bookshelf at home. So yes, I’m keeping this one because since it is on my shelf and I bought it, I do plan to read it sometime in the future. And it’s an LGBT story so more diversity for my shelves and mind! Actually… April would be the perfect time to read it because of pride month. Hm… That sounds like a good idea.






That’s all for today, folks! Hope you enjoyed. Have you read any books? Are they worth keeping and reading? Tell me in the comments!


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