Down The TBR Hole #3

Hey everyone! Welcome back to another Down the TBR Hole post. If you don’t know what these are, they are a weekly/however-often-you-want-to-do-them blog meme where you go into your Goodreads TBR shelf and decide to keep or delete some of the books there after reading the synopsis. I think only one of these posts will end of fitting in February because of my lack of posting this month but nonetheless I still want one in February, so let’s get started.

#10 Into the Still Blue (Under the Never Sky #3) by Veronica Rossi

14288998Now if you read my last Down the TBR Hole post I kept book 2 of this series so naturally that means I’ll keep book 3. But I’ll still talk about it still. I read the first book in this series about 4 years ago maybe, and loved it. It was descriptive and beautiful, it literally even included female periods! The main character had her period! I loved that because it was really the only time that I had read about that before.






#11 Get Well Soon (Anna Bloom #1) by Julie Halpern

457060So I read Julie Halpern’s The F-It List in 8th grade and loved it. To know that this is her debut novel makes me excited to read it. This one is about a depressed teenage girl who’s in a mental hospital. And although it doesn’t seem possible, she deals with “normal” teenagery things like boys and friendships. I will keep this one because I would actually enjoy reading more about mental illnesses and the like.






#12 Have a Nice Day (Anna Bloom #2) by Julie Halpern

12981956Now since I kept book one of course I have to keep book two. This may of course change once I read the first book and if I don’t like it. But until then, it remains on my TBR list.








winter-snowflake-png-image-95606#13 We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

16143347At the present time, a classic that basically everyone has read. At the time that I put this on my TBR list on Goodreads (October 2014), I only knew of it from my sister who loved it. I have never read the synopsis though and I am shook. I want to read it now! I love mystery novels now and that seems like the best Young Adult mystery there is. I really hope I get to read it soon so I am keeping this book.






#14 The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin (Mara Dyer #1)

11408650Again, another one that basically everybody has read. And once again I am late to the party. This one will stay merely because of the hype. I like the synopsis because it’s almost like Hereafter by Tara Hudson, she’s just not dead. I feel like the romance may kind of ruin the story but we’ll have to see when I hopefully read the book as soon as possible.







Legend (Legend #1) by Marie Lu

9275658Wow, yet another classic. Another book that everyone has read and I haven’t! I think this is the least popular of Marie Lu’s series but I still want to read it because of that so I am keeping it. The setting honestly seems so possible because of how horrible America is and how at war we are with each other, hahaha. But I love the trope of unexpected friendships or when two people meet and they’re complete opposites. So I’m excited.





That’s all for today, folks! I ended up doing 6 books so I could even out the rest of the posts because I think I’ll stick to 5 books for each post even if some are short. Have you read any of these books? Tell me how you liked them in the comments.



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