Down the TBR Hole #2

Hey everyone and welcome back to Down the TBR Hole created by Lia @ Lost in a Story. If you don’t know, the rules of this meme are: go to your want to read shelf on Goodreads, arrange them in order by date added ascending, choose 5 (or more) books, read their synopsis, and decided whether or not you’re keeping them on your TBR. Let’s get into books 6-10.

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

11387515Okay I think this one is obvious on my decision already. I’ve known about this book since 7th/8th grade because my Language Arts teacher had two copies and I always wondered what it was about but I never asked to borrow it. Now, of course, since it is a movie that looks oh so wonderful, I wish I had. So yes, I’m keeping this book.




Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi

13188676Now if you saw my last Down the TBR Hole post, you’ll know my answer already. But I mentioned the first and second book to this series in my TBR Hole #1 and I kept them both. I think even if I somehow don’t like the first book, I’ll still push through the whole series. So yes, I am keeping book four.




Just One Day by Gayle Forman

17623975I really only have this book added because I really enjoyed If I Stay and thought I’d try out so more stuff from the same author. Since I love contemporaries I thought it’d be a perfect fit for me after seeing I already liked two things from the author. It sounds very interesting though and gives me a Anna and the French Kiss vibe because it’s set in Paris. So I think I’ll keep this one because it reminds me of other favorite reads of mine.



Just One Year by Gayle Forman

12842134I feel like I’m getting pretty predictable with this meme. Obviously this is the second book to Just One Day so I had added it to know what book comes after so I wouldn’t be left in the dark once I read it. Again, what seems to be a really cute contemporary with travel which is perfect for me. So yes, I am keeping this book.




Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi

13253276Now I read the first book Under the Never Sky back in probably 7th grade when I went to the library more often. Obviously, I never continued the rest of the series even though I enjoyed this first book so much. Even reading the synopsis though, I barely remember what happened in the first book at all. I’ll still keep this one though, I just have to reread the first book.






That’s all for today, folks! I hope you enjoyed. I actually like doing this meme so far. Sadly, I think there won’t be many differences in wether or not I keep or get rid of any books because I actually cleared out a lot of books from my want to read shelf a couple of months ago. Literally went from 460 something to 290… So that doesn’t help.


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