Down the TBR Hole #7

Hey, everybody! Welcome back to another Down the TBR Hole post. If you don’t know what this is, basically I go on to my Goodreads To Be Read shelf and decide on about 5 books whether or not I will keep on my TBR, and which ones I won’t. So let’s get started.

#1. World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks

8908This is one of those cases where I think I might just have to give up on reading the book before seeing the movie. Like, the synopsis is already too long for me to even be interested in reading it. What was I thinking? I’m definitely not keeping this book because this is nowhere near my taste in books. Like, even the subtitle is too much of a no for me.





#2. Crank by Ellen Hopkins


This actually includes all three books in this trilogy: Crank, Glass, and Fallout. I think I also knew about these books a long time ago from heyteenbookshey. I believe these stories are told in verse/poem style and I like the idea of the story because it deals with drugs which is something you rarely see. Also, the main character is based on the author’s daughter so it would be interesting to see how she portrays her daughter under the influence of crystal meth. So I will keep these for their unique plot.


#3. Pretties by Scott Westerfeld


Just like the last one, this one will include three books in the series. If you have kept up with this blog, you may already know the answer to this one (but there’s a chance maybe not cause I may not have posted that book haul like I wanted to). Easily I’m going to be keeping all three of these books because I already have the first book in the quartet on my bookshelf. I’ve wanted to read this series for a long time especially because it deals with insecurities and how society sees them.


#4. Impulse by Ellen Hopkins

270805These last two are both going to be more Ellen Hopkins books. I’m immediately intrigued by the synopsis because it does deal with suicide and a psychiatric hospital which is something I’m not well versed on and would find it interesting to learn more about. The stories of each character going to this hospital are very different and that probably helps to show multiple sides to the same feeling which will be nice. This is not a story I’m used to but I’m sure if Hopkins does a good job it will be pulled off amazingly. So I will keep this book for… Educational purposes.



#5. Burned by Ellen Hopkins

270807I think it’s easy to assume what I’m going to choose for this book but we’re still going to talk about it. Personally, I would love to have all of Ellen Hopkins’s books on my shelf just because they all kind of have the same simple theme to theme and I think they would look really nice together. I love the fact that the story contains a family and the values aren’t the same as our main characters. This one seems less severe than the others but I do believe there is a trigger warning for abuse. But I love a good family drama and a story about finding yourself so I’m keeping it.



That’s all for today, folks! I hope you enjoyed as this one actually had more books in it and a book that I got rid of. I’m really spicing it up, aren’t I? Haha, just kidding not really.


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