Listify Tuesday #4: Least Favorite Books of 2016

Here you go! Last week I told you I would have a sort of negative post and here it is. Controversial as it is, I feel like this is a good way to get opinions mixing through the bookish world. I just want to say, like everyone else that, just because I don’t like these books does not at all mean you can’t like them. These are my personal opinions. So without further hesitation, let’s get into this.


cvr9781451673319_9781451673319_hr1. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

I had to read this book for my English 1 class last school year. And unlike most students, I actually like reading for school, because I like reading in general. But this book, after I was so hyped for it by librarians and teachers and Bradbury fans, was just so boring. I hated it. It had run-on sentences and extra long descriptions for no reason. No character was developed and every one was so flat that I had no reason to like the book. I actually gave it 1 star only because the concept was different than others.


51wto7fyuol-_sy344_bo1204203200_2. Feed by M.T. Anderson

I got this book for cheap at Half Price Books earlier this year and when I finally got to reading it, I hated it. It was boring like Fahrenheit 451 in a lot of aspects. The main character was unrightfully mean and rude to the people that were his friends and cared about him and we don’t even really get to see why? I gave this book 3 stars but I’m thinking it should have been 2.5 because I loved one character and the cool concept of being able to go to the moon.


208743883. Never Forgotten by Kelly Risser

I gave this book 3 stars for a reason and that is because it was very very slow paced. In the beginning as we’re first learning about our main character and story line, you’re intrigued by the romance. Now there doesn’t seem to be a problem with that right? Wrong. I went into this book expecting a spectacular mystery and a girl coming to find out who she really is. And I saw this book as a better romance than fantasy mystery I guess. The whole fantastical aspect of the book really didn’t come in till the very end leaving so much empty space in the beginning and middle. If the romance was supposed to be the main plot, I would have fell for it, but it wasn’t so I was a bit disappointed.


That’s actually my whole list for this week! I had a really good reading year this year as I got more and more invested in books. But I also have a problem which will be apart of my resolutions; I always rate books so well. I just love reading that I love books but then I notice after that it wasn’t as memorable to me. But really all the books from last year that highly disappointed me. Maybe I’ll have more this year as I aim to read more books. Comment down below what your least favorite read of 2016 was – Kambria

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